
The prices below are for authorised resellers only.

Resellers include web designers, or any graphics designer or domain seller wishing to provide domain resale and web hosting services. 

Access to the below rates are subject to terms and conditions. 

Application to be a reseller subject to management approval of your application. 

Reseller Option A

  • Fixed RRP prices for domains and hosting
  • No setup fees
  • Your customers will be billed by "Web Widgets Ltd" for domains and hosting. 
  • We pay you a commission for domains and hosting. 
  • Full control of your customers websites. 
  • Ability to action domain registrations and go lives subject to a prepay balance.
  • Agree to our online terms

Reseller Option B 

  • Choose your own retail domain and hosting fees. 
  • Customer payments go directly to you for domains/hosting
  • You pay us a trade price from 33% to 50% less than our RRP 
  • Pay your account balance end of month 
  • Full control of your customers websites, domains and account status. 
  • Setup fee $1000. (Setup fee free if migrating 20+ websites)
  • Requires signing of formal contract.
Number of Sites Commission
1+ sites 25% commission on each website, 
based on website builder RRP hosting prices.  
20+ sites 30% commission on each website
50+ sites 35% commission on each website
100+ sites 40% commission on each website
200+ sites 45% commission on each website

You pay $24 (for commonly priced domains)
$3 commission on each domain sold. 

Number of Sites Discount 
1+ sites 33% discount on each website 
20+ sites 36% discount on each website
50+ sites 40% discount on each website
100+ sites 45% discount on each website
200+ sites  50% discount on each website
Domains $24 per year (for commonly priced domains)

We will take care of your customer billing using an independent company name "Web Widgets Ltd". You will be able to monitor your customers financial account history, but you cannot enter any transactions. Web Widgets Ltd will take offline any customer who does not pay, and then return them back online when they do pay.  As you will need to manage your customer billing, we suggest you use for managing your accounts, and monitor your overdues closely and take any sites offline when they have not paid. 
Sign Up As Reseller Option A Sign Up As Reseller Option B

Customer Affiiliate Programs and Second and Subsequent Site Discounts

Customers using our billing system also participate in our standard affiliate commissions program. 

Each customer who goes live with a second or subsequent website, gets a 25% discount on the second and subsequent website. They pay full price on their first website. 

Each customer who refers new business (other customers), gets a 25% commission on the referred business. So customer B pays full price on their first website, and the commission is given to Customer A, essentially discounting their total hosting package. 

The above regime is good for business, however, how does this affect reseller commissions?

When a hosting customer gets a discount or commission, then this leaves 75% of the hosting value to be divided between Website World and the reseller. This remaining hosting amount is shared on the same income share basis. 

Example, Customer A has 1 website, and refers customer B. Customer B has 2 websites.

  • Customer A pays $18.75 ($25 - $6.25)
  • Customer B pays $43.75 ($25 + $25 - $6.25)
  • Total Income to share: $62.50
  • Reseller on 30% commission earns: $18.75